2025.2.28 |
3月のニュースレターを公開しました。 |
2023.05.01 |
アソカイングリッシュスクールのホームページを開設しました。 |
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Hello friends, March is the last month of the school year. I know that you are all excited. You have all improved so much, learning new words and getting better at listening and speaking in English! To all of our Asoka students, keep smiling and never stop learning.
Another year is almost up. It was a pleasure to be your teacher this time around. I hope you keep learning after this.
Hey friends! We’ve almost made it to the end of the year. I’m glad I got a chance to learn and grow together with all of you this year. You are all so full of fun and curiosity, which made English classes really enjoyable. I’m looking forward to next year!
Students learn breakfast, lunch and dinner. We talk about food and ask each other “Do you like?” “What’s your favorite?” We also learn to ask permission using “May I”.
朝食・昼食・夕食について学びます。食べ物について話し合い、お互いに「Do you like...?(~は好きですか?)」や「What’s your favorite?(お気に入りは何ですか?)」と質問しあいます。また、「May I...?(~してもいいですか?)」を使って許可を求める表現も学びます。
We practice the past tense. “I was riding my bike yesterday” “I closed my eyes that wasn’t safe” We talk about things that children do at school. What things are safe or unsafe to do. Students practice improving spelling of words and reading skills.
「I was riding my bike yesterday(昨日、自転車に乗っていました)」「I closed my eyes. That wasn’t safe.(目を閉じました。それは安全ではありませんでした)」のような、過去形を練習します。また、子どもたちが学校ですることについて話し合い、安全なことや危険なことについて考えます。単語のつづりを上達させたり、読む力を伸ばす練習もします。
We will review units 14 and 15 in February. Unit 14 is about playing outdoors and farm animals while 15 is about fruits and vegetables and possessive pronouns.
This month we’ll finish up reviewing Units 19 and 20. Unit 19 talks a lot about family and Unit 20 is mostly about animals.
Students practice “do you think?” with each other. We also talk about frequency, (always, often, sometimes, never). We continue learning new words and work on improving reading using reader/ writer books.
お互いに「Do you think...?(~だと思いますか?)」を使って練習します。また、「always(いつも)」「often(よく)」「sometimes(ときどき)」「never(決して~ない)」などの頻度についても学びます。さらに、新しい単語を学びながら、リーダー/ライターのテキストを使用して読む力を向上させる練習も継続して行います。
We will work on unit 30 for the rest of the school year. In Unit 30 we will work on modal verbs (should, would) and the present perfect tense (have you heard...).
法助動詞(should, would)や現在完了形(Have you heard...?)について学習するユニット30に取り組みます。
In March we’ll finish the final unit of Time Zones 1 and start review. We’ll talk about the main ideas of each chapter, go over vocabulary and grammar, and play some review games.
Time Zones 1の最後のユニットを終え、復習を開始します。各章の主な内容について話し合い、語彙や文法を確認しながら、復習ゲームも楽しみます。
Students review the present progressive; talking about what is happening now and about things that always happen. “My brother is always taking long showers” We talk about our future plans for the upcoming school year and work on sharpening our reading skills.
「My brother is always taking long showers.(私の兄はいつも長いシャワーを浴びています)」のような現在進行形を復習し、「今起こっていること」や「いつも起こること」について話します。また、来年度の計画について話し合い、読む力をさらに磨く練習もします。
In March we’ll review a few more chapters as we finish up the Time Zones book. We’ll talk about endangered animals, how things are made, and marine life.
Hello friends, February is the shortest month of the year. Let’s enjoy February and have fun learning English. Don’t forget to listen to your REP books every day, it’s like having English friends at home! See you in class.
February is here. Think 2025 will go by quickly as well. Is there anyone you want to give chocolates to?
2月がやってきましたね。 2025年もあっという間ですね。チョコレートを贈りたい人はいますか?
Hello friends! February is here, and it’s been getting pretty cold! I hope you’re keeping warm. In the winter I like to snuggle under a blanket while I crochet in the mornings. Last month I made gloves and a scarf to keep me warm on my walk to work. How do you stay warm in the winter?
Students learn about jobs. The kinds of jobs people do and what we want to do when we grow into adults. We will watch a video about what a whole day for a baker working at a bakery looks like. We also write about the jobs our parents have.
Students practice “do you think?” with each other. We also talk about frequency, (always, often, sometimes, never). Students practice improving their abilities on the spelling of current/ new words.
お互いに「do you think? 」を使って練習をします。また、頻度always, often, sometimes, never)についても話します。さらに、現在使われている単語や新しい単語のスペルについて学習し、スキル向上に努めます。
We will review units 12 and 13 in February. Unit 12 is about body parts and clothes while 13 is about the school and playground.
It’s been fun looking back at old songs and stories that we enjoyed in the beginning of the year. In February we’ll review Unit 17 and 18 for about 2 weeks each. I’m looking forward to hearing some of my favorite songs, Wildest Dreams and Perfect Shoes.
ユニット17と18をそれぞれ復習します。『Wildest Dreams』や『Perfect Shoes』などを聞くのが楽しみですね。
Students learn to use “why” and “because”. They take turns asking the teacher questions they come up with. We will do review on assembly words from unit 21 and 22. Students also continue working on improving their reading using their reader/ writer books.「why」と「because」を使う練習をします。自分で考えた質問を先生に順番に聞いていきます。また、引き続き、リーダー/ライターブックを使って読解力の向上に取り組みます。
We will work on unit 30 for the rest of the school year. In Unit 30 we will work on modal verbs (should, would) and the present perfect tense (have you heard...).
ユニット30に取り組みます。様態動詞(should, would)と現在完了形(have you heard...)に取り組みます。
This month we’ll start Unit 12. This unit is about festivals and celebrations around the world. We’ll talk about special occasions using prepositions of time.
We learn about world wonders. Which ones we know and what makes them “Wonders” Students discuss their future plans or hopes for when they are adults. We will also review giving and asking for directions.
For February we’ll continue reviewing a unit each class. This month we’ll talk about routines, careers, and endangered animals using present perfect progressive, modals, and passive voice.